Thursday, January 19, 2017

Microsoft Excel Assignment #1

Good Morning and Congratulations on Completing your First Microsoft Excel Assignment.  Today we are going to post your completed assignment on our blog and reflect on the skills learned.  While I know that the work you completed today was simply a tutorial with all information provided, it is important to understand and reflect on the tools used so that you are comfortable with all of them moving forward (as new skills will build on the ones you have just learned).

For today's blog, please post an image of your completed assignment and respond to the following questions:

  1. What did you know about Microsoft Excel before beginning this assignment and what is your initial impression having just starting using Microsoft Excel in this class?
  2. Take a moment to discuss some of the tools you learned in Excel as part of this first assignment.  I am not looking for a novel, but perhaps 3 skills you just learned that you think would be helpful the next time you are asked to use Excel.
  3. What is Excel most commonly used for?  What is its purpose?  Take a moment to do a little personal research using Google and learn about the various uses for Microsoft Excel in business (and even personal life) today.
Thanks so much for a thoughtful response.  At minimum, the above should come to about 6-8 sentences.

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