Monday, January 30, 2017

Microsoft Excel Assignment #3

Congratulations on completing Microsoft Excel Assignment #3! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I know that creating tables and inputting data isn't always the most entertaining thing but I love when we are able to take that data and demonstrate something interesting and appealing to our audience. That is exactly what this assignment did as you learned how to add a chart to your excel table. Using this feature could really wow your teacher or boss when it comes to completing any project you are assigned!

For today's blog please respond to the following questions:

  • Describe 3 new tools that you learned how to use having completed this tutorial. Feel free to browse through the assignment handout once more and pick out the tools that you feel may have been most meaningful for you. 
  • What do you think is most powerful about adding a graph and/or chart to an excel data sheet? In other words, even if it is simply portraying data that's already on the document, why do you think it is helpful to have a visual like that? If you don't think it's valuable, feel free to explain that as well.
  • Describe the steps you had to take to add a graph and/or chart to your document. Was it easy? Hard? Had you ever done this before using Microsoft Office?
  • Can you think of at least one situation where you would add a graph/chart to a document you are creating? What purpose would it serve for you? What class or task would you most likely be working on?
  • Anything else you would like to add about your experience with this assignment?
Thanks for your input. I look forward to reading your response and seeing your final excel document!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Microsoft Excel Assignment #2

Good Morning and Congratulations on Completing your 2nd Microsoft Excel Assignment.  Today we are going to post your completed assignment on our blog and, once again, reflect on the skills learned.  Over the past two lessons, a lot of information has been provided and I really want you to understand and reflect on the tools used so that you are comfortable using them when you have your own projects to design.

For today's blog, please post an image of your completed assignment (similar to the one above) and respond to the following questions:
  1. Describe 1 class you have (besides mine) where you might use an excel data chart to track information?  Describe a personal situation for you or someone you know (perhaps family member) where they might use Microsoft Excel to track something in their personal life.  What would be tracked and why would it be helpful.
  2. Take a moment to discuss some of the tools you learned in Excel as part of this second assignment. Similar to our last blog, pick 3 skills you just learned that you think would be helpful the next time you are asked to use Excel.  Feel free to refer back to the assignment and review all of the tools you learned and then give a brief description of what they were and how they could help you.
Thanks so much for a thoughtful response.  At minimum, the above should come to about 6-8 sentences.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Microsoft Excel Assignment #1

Good Morning and Congratulations on Completing your First Microsoft Excel Assignment.  Today we are going to post your completed assignment on our blog and reflect on the skills learned.  While I know that the work you completed today was simply a tutorial with all information provided, it is important to understand and reflect on the tools used so that you are comfortable with all of them moving forward (as new skills will build on the ones you have just learned).

For today's blog, please post an image of your completed assignment and respond to the following questions:

  1. What did you know about Microsoft Excel before beginning this assignment and what is your initial impression having just starting using Microsoft Excel in this class?
  2. Take a moment to discuss some of the tools you learned in Excel as part of this first assignment.  I am not looking for a novel, but perhaps 3 skills you just learned that you think would be helpful the next time you are asked to use Excel.
  3. What is Excel most commonly used for?  What is its purpose?  Take a moment to do a little personal research using Google and learn about the various uses for Microsoft Excel in business (and even personal life) today.
Thanks so much for a thoughtful response.  At minimum, the above should come to about 6-8 sentences.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Happy New Year!!

Good Morning and Welcome Back!!

It is hard to believe that it has been over two weeks since we have been together!  I bet you missed me :)  In any case, I wanted to start off the morning with a quick recap of your break!  How was it? What did you do?  What was the highlight?  What is one reason you are excited to be back at school?

As a second part to today's post, as you know around the world as the New Year kicks off, people take an opportunity to examine themselves, their lifestyle and goals and are able to focus on how they would like to make a difference starting with yourself in the new year!  Did you make a New Years Resolution?  What are you committed to doing in your life in 2017 and how will it help you be happier, more successful, a better person, etc.  On a secondary level perhaps, what are some goals that you have set for yourself for the second half of the 2016-2017 school year?  Perhaps bad habits you want to break, things you want to do better, goals you want to achieve, etc!  It's a new year, be realistic but dream big :)

Lets kick off the year right with a thorough thoughtful response addressing all parts of the prompt! Thank you and Happy New Year! :)