Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Moving on to Microsoft ... WORD!

Good Morning and congratulations on completing your first MS Word 2013 lesson.  Now it is time to post your work to our Blog! Below are a series of questions.  Please respond to them thoughtfully and thoroughly!
  • What is Microsoft Word (feel free to look up on Google and find a definition or use your own experience to describe it)
  • What was the purpose of the first assignment we completed (what did you set out to do?)
  • What new tools did you learn or what tools were you able to practice from completing this assignment (you might want/need to look at the assignment to pick these things out). This portion of your blog should be specific.
  • How will you be able to use these tools to help you create better work in High School?
As a reminder you are going to post these assignments in two locations. On your blog you will have to submit them as images so you will need to take a screenshot of your project. Please take a screenshot of the main page of the document created so that as you discuss what you were working on, your audience will be able to see some examples.

In addition to posting on your blog you must also post these assignments in Google Classroom. In Google Classroom you should post your final version as a Microsoft Word document so I am able to see each of the steps you took to complete the assignment. Again, please simply go to Google Classroom and upload your original Microsoft Word document.

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