Friday, September 30, 2016

Microsoft Word Assignment #2 - Golf Newsletter

Good Morning! It's Friday! Today kicked off the day with a lesson of edutyping and by completing the following Google Form ( in preparation for our first mentor meeting next Friday!!
After completing the above, please complete and posting your completed (2nd) MS Word lesson to Google Classroom and our Blog!
  • Questions are:
    • What was the purpose of this assignment? What did we do and how did we do it?
    • What new tools did you learn or what tools were you able to practice while completing this assignment (you might want/need to look at the assignment handout to pick these things out). This portion of your blog should be specific.
    • What type of article could you write about a personal experience, academy or school event that would be interesting to your classmates AND would you feel comfortable formatting it similar to a newspaper style article now that you've learned some of the new skills/tools taught in the previous lesson(s)? Why or why not? What challenges might you foresee?
So that there are no misunderstandings, remember that you are going to post each assignments in two locations. On your blog you will have to submit them as images so you will need to take a screenshot of your project and post it at the top of your blog. The file you submit in Google Classroom should be the original, Microsoft Word, document so I am able to see each of the steps you took to complete the assignment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Moving on to Microsoft ... WORD!

Good Morning and congratulations on completing your first MS Word 2013 lesson.  Now it is time to post your work to our Blog! Below are a series of questions.  Please respond to them thoughtfully and thoroughly!
  • What is Microsoft Word (feel free to look up on Google and find a definition or use your own experience to describe it)
  • What was the purpose of the first assignment we completed (what did you set out to do?)
  • What new tools did you learn or what tools were you able to practice from completing this assignment (you might want/need to look at the assignment to pick these things out). This portion of your blog should be specific.
  • How will you be able to use these tools to help you create better work in High School?
As a reminder you are going to post these assignments in two locations. On your blog you will have to submit them as images so you will need to take a screenshot of your project. Please take a screenshot of the main page of the document created so that as you discuss what you were working on, your audience will be able to see some examples.

In addition to posting on your blog you must also post these assignments in Google Classroom. In Google Classroom you should post your final version as a Microsoft Word document so I am able to see each of the steps you took to complete the assignment. Again, please simply go to Google Classroom and upload your original Microsoft Word document.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Google Mapping!

Congratulations on completing our Google Apps Unit!  We are now ready to move forward and work with Microsoft Word!  Before moving forward, however, I want to take a moment and reflect on our Google Map Assignment.  Now a days, it's hard to imagine going anywhere new without an electronic mapping device!  Google or Apple Maps to be specific.

  • Discuss the assignment we completed on Google Maps.  What was the purpose of the assignment and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  • What did you enjoy about the assignment?  Name 2 or 3 aspects of the assignment that you really enjoyed working on.
  • How would a tool like this be helpful in planning a trip that you wanted to go on?  
  • How would a tool like this be fun for documenting a trip that you went on?  What would you be able to document?
  • Do you feel like this was a fun final Google Apps Assignment?  Why or why not?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Creating a Google Site and Adding Your Calendar, Form and Video

Good Morning, Happy Friday and Welcome to the last day of our Quarter 1 Progress Period.  Today is a great opportunity to look and reflect on your grades, make sure they are exactly where they need to be and brainstorm how you are going to continue on this positive path and/or where you need to focus your efforts to ensure the best grades possible in each and every class.  That said, today is also a great opportunity for us to wrap up our Google Sites assignment with a simple blog post.  Below are a set of questions, but as always, feel free to add some of your own thoughts and insights in addition to your responses to the posed questions.

  • What was the purpose of the assignment you just completed? What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  • Describe Google Sites to your audience.  What did you really love about using this tool?  Name 3 things that would motivate you to build your own Google Site.  What are some things you disliked about using Google Sites?
  • Did you find the assignment easy to complete? Did you have any trouble? If so, what was the biggest challenge?  Do you feel you know and understand enough about Google Sites to help a friend or family member create their own attractive website?  What questions would you have if you were going to help someone with something like this?
  • Take a moment and look around the internet for a website you really like.  What website is it (include the url)?  Name 3 things stands out and/or catch your eye?  Could you incorporate these details into your own Google Site?  Why or why not?  What make them interesting/important elements of the website?
Thanks for your thorough, thoughtful response.  Don't forget to post a picture of your Google Site.  You can choose to post any of the 3 assignment pages you'd like :)  Lastly, if you still have not submitted your blog (it says missing under the "Blog Address Submitted" Assignment) please click on this link: and complete the required form.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Academy Community Building Fieldtrip

Oh my!  What a week!!  I can't believe this is my first day on campus since LAST Friday!  I will say though, even though it was hard to be away, this week demonstrated the power of this program!  Tuesday we visited Hidden Villa Farm and spent the day developing community, building trust and participating in a wide range of activities including a hike through the farm itself and into the hills.  On Wednesday, the Juniors were dropped on Ocean Beach looking over the Pacific Ocean before hiking 5 miles up and down and along the coast through million dollar neighborhoods, on Baker Beach and eventually under the iconic Golden Gate Bridge!  Although challenging at times, it was nice to see the friendly encouragement and overall positive attitudes as we confronted the challenge at hand!  Finally, yesterday we saw what happens after 2 full years together in the Academy.  Our senior beach day showed the comraderie that our students have developed as the participated in our 1st annual Academy Olympics, ran along the beach and played some highly competitive teacher vs. student volleyball!  Honestly, looking back on the last three days, they were fantastic!

Today I would like you to take a few minutes and reflect on your activity.  Below are a few questions you can answer, however, feel free to also include any other thoughts/feelings that come to mind.
  • For your reader, please describe the activity from Tuesday in a few sentences.
  • What was the goal of the trip was?  Do you feel it was accomplished?  Explain why or why not?
  • Thinking back on the day, how would you rate your participation?  How do you think your level of participation alone can help you succeed at M-A and in life in general?
  • What was your favorite aspect of the day at Hidden Villa?  Talk about a favorite moment or activity you participated in.
  • What are three things you would say you learned about yourself or your classmates during Tuesday's activities?
  • Restate your goals for this school year and how you plan to accomplish them - think about the dream-boards you created.
  • What, if anything, would you have changed about the day at Hidden Villa?  What do you think would make a successful "community building" day?

Again, above are a series of question you can/should respond to but feel free to add any additional comments about your experience.  Thank you for a thorough and thoughtful response.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Finding and Saving an Image in Google Images

Good Morning!  Today we had a simple assignment in which you used Google to find a specific image.  Having completed the assignment and posting to Google Classroom, please also post the same image here, to your blog, and respond to the following questions:

  • What was the purpose of the assignment you just completed? What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  • What new tool did you learn today? Did you know you were able to control these settings when searching for an image in Google? Was the assignment easy to complete? Did you have any trouble? If so, what was the biggest challenge?
  • How would understanding how to use these tools be helpful to you? How could you use the tool for school? For your daily life? Can you think of a time or place where people would use these tools and how could it help them/ensure higher quality work?

Friday, September 2, 2016

Using Google Translate to Translate Text

Today you are responsible for posting a blog focused on our "Using Google Translate to Translate Text" assignment.  The questions I would like you to respond to are below:
  • What was the purpose of the assignment you just completed? What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  • What new tool did you learn today? Did you know Google Translate existed before today and was capable of translating text so well? Was the assignment easy to complete? Did you have any trouble?
  • Do you think Google Translate is a helpful tool? How could you use the tool for school? For your daily life? Can you think of a time or place where people would use a tool like this and how could it help them?  Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't communicate with someone else and something like Google Translate would have come in handy?
Thanks for your thorough, thoughtful response and, by the way, Happy Friday!